Be Baptized  -or-
Dedicate Your Child

All who believe in Jesus Christ as their personal savior are welcome to be baptized at our church or dedicate their child. Read below for more information about what we believe and how to sign up for our next baptism or dedication.
Next Baptism: Easter Sunday, April 20th
Next Dedication: Mother's Day Sunday, May 11th

Baptisms at Lighthouse Church

We believe that baptism is ordained by the Lord Jesus himself. It is connected with entrance into the new covenant community and represents God’s pledge to us through His grace and our public vow of submission to the once crucified and now resurrected Christ. We perform a believer's baptism in which the person being baptized publicly testifies to their faith in Jesus as their savior and commitment to following him as their Lord for eternity.

We periodically hold baptisms indoors on a Sunday after second service. Use the form below to let us know you would like to be baptized or to ask us more questions.

Dedications at Lighthouse Church

We believe that dedicating a baby or child is way for the parents and the church to devote that child to follow the Lord for their entire life. Just as Mary and Joseph presented Jesus at the temple when he was a baby (Luke 2), parents surrender the ultimate care of their child to God while committing to raise that child in the faith to the best of their ability. The church partners with and supports the parents in this act.

We try to hold a dedication during Sunday service about once per year for anyone who would like to do this for their child of any age. Use the button below to let us know you would like to dedicate your child or fill out the form at the bottom of this page to ask us a question.

Baptism/Dedication Questions

Fill out this form to ask us any questions you have about being baptized or dedicating your child.